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Can Public Policy ; 46(Suppl 3): S217-S235, 2020 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38630003


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic surged in early March 2020, with unemployment reaching historic levels in April 2020. This study paints an early portrait of the pandemic's impact on the finances of households in Quebec, one of the hardest-hit provinces in terms of COVID-19 cases as well as unemployment levels. The article also provides an understanding of how government emergency benefit programs may have helped households get by during the early period of the pandemic. Finally, we draw on expectations data collected in a survey of 3,009 respondents living in Quebec to illustrate what households can expect for the rest of 2020.

La pandémie de maladie à coronavirus 2019 (COVID­19) a fait son apparition au début de mars 2020, le chômage ayant atteint des niveaux sans précédent en avril 2020. Les auteurs tracent un premier portrait des répercussions de la pandémie sur la situation financière des ménages du Québec, l'une des provinces les plus durement touchées par la COVID­19 quant au nombre de cas et au taux de chômage. Ils tentent également d'expliquer en quoi les programmes gouvernementaux de prestations d'urgence ont pu aider les ménages à surmonter leurs difficultés au cours de la phase initiale de la pandémie. Enfin, les auteurs s'appuient sur les données relatives aux attentes qu'ils tirent de leur sondage pour illustrer ce à quoi les ménages peuvent s'attendre pour le reste de 2020.

PLoS One ; 13(1): e0190538, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29300783


OBJECTIVES: We assess how different scenarios of cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention, aimed at meeting targets set by the World Health Organization (WHO) for 2025), may impact healthcare spending in Quebec, Canada over the 2050 horizon. METHODS: We provide long-term forecasts of healthcare use and costs at the Quebec population level using a novel dynamic microsimulation model. Using both survey and administrative data, we simulate the evolution of the Quebec population's health status until death, through a series of dynamic transitions that accounts for social and demographic characteristics associated with CVD risk factors. RESULTS: A 25% reduction in CVD mortality between 2012 and 2025 achieved through decreased incidence could contain the pace of healthcare cost growth towards 2050 by nearly 7 percentage points for consultations with a physician, and by almost 9 percentage points for hospitalizations. Over the 2012-2050 period, the present value of cost savings is projected to amount to C$13.1 billion in 2012 dollars. The years of life saved due to improved life expectancy could be worth another C$38.2 billion. Addressing CVD mortality directly instead would bring about higher healthcare costs, but would generate more value in terms of years of life saved, at C$69.6 billion. CONCLUSIONS: Potential savings associated with plausible reductions in CVD, aimed at reaching a World Health Organization target over a 12-year period, are sizeable and may help address challenges associated with an aging population.

Doenças Cardiovasculares/mortalidade , Redução de Custos , Custos de Cuidados de Saúde , Nível de Saúde , Humanos , Expectativa de Vida , Quebeque/epidemiologia
Int J Environ Res Public Health ; 8(11): 4118-39, 2011 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22163198


Tobacco taxation is an essential component of a comprehensive tobacco control strategy. However, to fully realize the benefits it is vital to understand the impact of increased taxes among high-risk subpopulations. Are they influenced to the same extent as the general population? Do they need additional measures to influence smoking behavior? The objectives of this study were to synthesize the evidence regarding differential effects of taxation and price on smoking in: youth, young adults, persons of low socio-economic status, with dual diagnoses, heavy/long-term smokers, and Aboriginal people. Using a better practices approach, a knowledge synthesis was conducted using a systematic review of the literature and an expert advisory panel. Experts were involved in developing the study plan, discussing findings, developing policy recommendations, and identifying priorities for future research. Most studies found that raising cigarette prices through increased taxes is a highly effective measure for reducing smoking among youth, young adults, and persons of low socioeconomic status. However, there is a striking lack of evidence about the impact of increasing cigarette prices on smoking behavior in heavy/long-term smokers, persons with a dual diagnosis and Aboriginals. Given their high prevalence of smoking, urgent attention is needed to develop effective policies for the six subpopulations reviewed. These findings will be of value to policy-makers and researchers in their efforts to improve the effectiveness of tobacco control measures, especially with subpopulations at most risk. Although specific studies are needed, tobacco taxation is a key policy measure for driving success.

Comércio , Política de Saúde , Fumar/economia , Impostos , Canadá/epidemiologia , Prova Pericial , Humanos , Índios Norte-Americanos , Risco , Fumar/epidemiologia , Fumar/etnologia , Fatores Socioeconômicos
Washington, D.C; Organización Panamericana de la Salud; [2004]. 58 p. (Serie Aspectos Económicos del Control del Tabaco, 6).
Monografia em Espanhol | PAHO | ID: pah-250151
Aspectos Económicos de Control del Tabaco;6
Monografia em Espanhol | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-2825


En este documento se presenta en primer lugar una estimación del número de consumidores de tabaco en el año 2000 y del consumo de cigarrillos entre 1970 y 2000 por regiones del mundo y niveles de desarrollo, y en él se comentan brevemente las ventajas y los inconvenientes de estimar el consumo de tabaco con base en encuestas de prevalencia o datos agregados. En Segundo lugar, se presenta una proyección de la prevalencia (y el correspondiente número de fumadores) y del consumo de cigarrillos (total y per cápita), mediante el planteamiento de diversos escenarios de cambio en el consumo de tabaco (prevalencia y consumo de cigarrillos), así como de diferentes supuestos relativos al crecimiento de la población y de los ingresos. Los resultados muestran que, aunque todos los países aplicaran de inmediato un conjunto integral de políticas de control del tabaco, la reducción en el número de usuarios de tabaco y en el consumo total de cigarrillos sería gradual. Esto debe tranquilizar a los agricultores y a todos aquellos que temen las repercusiones que podría traer el control del tabaco sobre sus medios de subsistencia. Sin embargo, es desalentador desde el punto de vista de la salud pública, ya que implica que el número de defunciones atribuibles al tabaco seguirá en aumento durante decenios.

Tabagismo , Economia , Coleta de Dados
Washington, D.C; Organización Panamericana de la Salud; s.f. 58 p. (Serie Aspectos Económicos del Control del Tabaco, 6).
Monografia em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-409417